Saturday, November 20, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

Veteran's Day. A day Set aside to remember the Vets who have served our country and have kept it free. We here at Millersview make this an annual celebration every year on November 11 no matter what day of the week. Millersview Texas has been doing this celebration for the past 91 years. One year was missed because of RAIN. I would like to see that much rain again. 1630 lbs. of brisket was cooked and served to 527 people that day. Some stayed up all night to cook and be ready to serve at 12:00 noon on the 11th. This celebration is the longest running celebration of the 11-11 in Texas and maybe in the U.S.A. We celebrate on the 11th .
The Color Guard came from San Angelo Texas and represented each branch of the military. They did a great job for the very first time for all to do the ceremony of raising the flag.

Some more of the folks that came and enjoyed the food and fellowship.

Notice the attention that the folks are paying to the east of the the grounds.

This is what got their attention. An Apache Helicopter that came from Ft Hood Texas. This is one fire power whirley bird. Just look at the cannons under the short wings that are used for the purpose of mounting the guns. Awesome machine. I wish we did not have to have these kinds of weapons but I think we all agree that we like our freedom and there are
so many out there that would take it from us if they could.

Another shot of the Apache coming in for a landing.

This is the Lady that puts together the program. She has put together a program for the Vets Day for the past 10 years. It just gets better and better. She has been responsible for fly overs and all kinds on entertainment for each year she has been bringing the programs to us. Thanks so much Beth.

Well vets Day has been wrapped up for another day and another year. Come see us next year. A free meal and program awaits you all. The real reason is to remember those who gave some and to those who gave all for our way of life that we enjoy in this country. We all know the real reason for all we have and that would be remembering our AWESOME GOD AND LIFTING HIS SON JESUS UP IN WORSHIP EVERYDAY WITH THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Have a great nights rest and Go to worship somewhere tomorrow.

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